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Snap RecyclerView Utils

08 Feb 2016

No need to implement an Adapter for every RecyclerView. Snap Adapters initializes in a single line and comes with endless loader and multiple layout.

Android Arsenal

Travis CI

Simple Library to create RecyclerView Adapters and Viewholder in a snap.


Add to your project


Check out v2 Beta!

Add JitPack to repositories in your project’s root build.gradle file:

allprojects {
	repositories {
		maven { url "" }

Add the dependency to your module’s build.gradle file:

dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.prashantsolanki3:Snap-RecyclerView-Utils:v1.8'


Check out the wiki!

Make a ViewHolder which extends SnapViewHolder.

SnapAdapter<SimpleProduct, ViewHolderProduct> adapterRecycler = new SnapAdapter<>(
	getContext(), //Context
	SimpleProduct.class, //Model class, matching generic type
        R.layout.item_recycler_product, // Item Layout
        ViewHolderProduct.class); // ViewHolder class, matching generic type

//Add items to RecyclerView
adapterRecycler.addAll(new ArrayList<SimpleProduct>());

Yeah That’s All!


Contribute by creating issues (tagged enhancement, bugs) in the repo or create a pull request.

Using Snap RecyclerView Utils?

If you are using Snap RecyclerView Utils in your app and would like to be listed here, please let us know opening a new issue!